Why do we sell Estate Jewelry?
How many times have you gone into a jewelry store and been able to look at pieces that have been collected and cherished over time? We carry estate jewelry because it’s a conversation starter. And because we love it!
As humans, we constantly look to the past to find meaning in the present. Our past mistakes may teach us what to do in the future. Lessons learned are passed down from generation to generation, much like jewelry. That connection to the past helps ground us in the present.
Have you ever looked for the perfect, unique gift on etsy? Our Estate Jewelry case is just like that, except you can see the piece in person before you buy! Unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that are available that same day! You don’t have to worry about shipping, or what might happen if the piece isn’t the perfect fit. Next time you stop in, take a few extra minutes to look around at our Estate cases. We promise it’s worth it!